Stakes & Laths / Northern Wood Products, Inc. manufactures wood grade stakes and Lath for Surveyors and Municipalities.

We are well known for our quality and our reputation keeps our customers coming back as Satisfied Customers

Stakes and Lath

Hardwood Stakes

We currently manufacturer Two different types of hardwood Stakes.

  1. Our Standard Hardwood Stakes that are produced from species like Oak or Hackberry for extra strength
  2. A Softer stake manufactured from Aspen or Poplar for ease of attaching nails and tacks.

Our stakes are smoothly planed, cut to length, and pencil pointed unless specified differently.

Inventory Dimensions
1”x2”x6” ,1”x2”x9”, 1”x2”x12”, 1x2x15”, 1”x2”x18” 1”x2”x24” (sold in bundles of 50 )
1”x2”x36”, 1”x2”x48” (sold in bundles of 25)
2”x2”x12”, 2”x2”x15”, 2”x2”x18”, 2”x2”x24”, 2”x2”x36”, 2”x2”x48” (sold in bundles of 25)

Softwood Stakes

 We also manufacture stakes made from Pine to Customer Orders. The stakes are V-Pointed unless specified differently.

Hardwood Lath

Hardwood Lath

Our Standard Hardwood Lath is also produced from hardwoods like Hackberry or Oak for strength and durability. All lath is smoothly planed, cut to length, and V pointed.
Inventory Dimensions
½”x1 1/8”x2’, ½”x1 1/8”x3’, ½”x1 1/8”x4’ (sold in bundles of 50)
½”x 1 1/8”x5’ (sold in bundles 25)

Wide Sign Lath

We produce our wide lath out of Poplar, Aspen, or Soft Maple. The wood is light in color where writing is very visable.
Inventory Dimensions
½”x1 ½”x 2’, ½”x1 ½”x3’, ½”x1 ½”x4’ (sold in bundles of 50)
½”x1 ½”x5’ (sold in bundles of 25)